
© Movimento Trieste Libera

All rights reserved

Trieste Libera (italiano)
Free Trieste (English)
Svobodni Trst (slovenščina)
Trieste Libra (français)
Freies Triest (Deutsch)
Trieste Libera (castellano)

Free Trieste: summer schedule. 

Our office is in Piazza della Borsa 7, Trieste. The opening hours of the office on weekdays:

Tuesday: 9.30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Wednesday: 9.30 a.m. –12 p.m.

Thursday: 9.30 a.m. –12 p.m.

Friday: 9.30 a.m. –12 p.m.

Get in touch with us:

- Phone (+39)0402470772

- E-mail


About the 2019 agreements between Italy and the PRC
regarding the Port of Trieste

Trieste, 21 August 2023. - In recent days it looks like the Italian politicians and press have finally realized, four years late, that the 2019 agreements between the former Italian Government and the People’s Republic of China - PRC regarding trade and the Port of Trieste are absurd, dangerous, and illegitimate…

Keep reading on La Voce di Trieste and on Il Corriere di Trieste: LINK | LINK.

Free Trieste Movement

Secretarial office

Office of the Free Trieste Movement in Piazza della Borsa 7, Trieste: on the balcony there are the flags of the United KIngdom, of the Free Territory of Trieste, and of the United States of America.


The Free Trieste Movement is a legalitarian organization established in 2011 to protect the present-day Free Territory of Trieste - FTT, an independent, sovereign State with an international Free Port, established on 15 September 1947 under the expected provisional regime of Government, entrusted, since 1954, to the Government - not to the State - of Italy. Its head office is in Piazza della Borsa 7, Trieste...

Logo of the Free Trieste Movement, in four languages: Italian, Slovenian, German, and English.

FREE TRIESTE MOVEMENT  - official English website

This subdomain is the intenrationional section of  the website of the Free Trieste Movement,  and it does also host the English version of blog "Ambiente e Legalita" - "Environment and Legality" by Roberto Giurastante.